She always needs someone to cover her tab whenever we go out to eat, and it usually either falls on me or the group as a whole. She also has me send her money every now and again and has me help her out when she asks to go shopping. Quite often, she doesn’t reveal that she needs help until it’s time to pay. My girlfriend is getting annoyed with it and thinks I’m a pushover and being used.

Here’s what I’m planning on sending to her. None of it is a lie.

“(Name), we need to talk. A few times now you’ve had us cover your meals and then talked about buying other things right after. It’s starting to feel like you’re getting us to pay even when you do have money. I don’t want to believe that you would do that. I need you to promise that from now on,you won’t ask us to cover you unless you need it, and that you’ll let us know before we go to the restaurant. Okay?”

Does that sound good?

I know it might just get her to cover her tracks better, but frankly, I care more about how she’s been hurting my feelings and causing problems in the friend group than my wallet.

TLDR: I want to confront my friend about her mooching.

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