Im 25. Anytime ive had sex in the past i was drunk. Sober me is too shy and awkward. I havent dated or interested in dating since forever. How do people enjoy kissing someone or having sex or dating and being touchy feely. I hate being touched and i hate kissing it seems disgusting like what if their breath stinks or when having sex theres shit. Im being really dramatic but this is how my body respond to be honest. I

I guess what im trying to understand is, how do ppl in relationships enjoy intimacy without being disgusted or awkward. I dont really feel much. I like men and im a guy. But everyone around me has sex and likes being intimate. Im feeling insecure because i dont enjoy it or maybe guys always want me for sex first and im not comfortable doing sexual stuff or kissing. Even one guy i dated i trusted him and he was nice but i still couldnt enjoy kissing him or anything. Im more of a “enjoy a fantasy in my own head”

Im also a porn addict and maybe i lost the ability to be attracted to ppl in real life. Idk, help

Tl;dr : i struggle to be intimate with people and feel grossed out easily. I dont understand how people enjoy sex, i like porn, but in real life its meh.

  1. Maybe you’re asexual. Not everyone feels sexual attraction to other people, or wants to have sex.

  2. There are two possibilities

    1. The porn addiction did mess you up for enjoying real like intimacy which can be a problem

    2. You are Asexual which is valid and okay

  3. Therapy.

    >How do people enjoy kissing someone or having sex or dating and being touchy feely.

    They just do? It’s a normal thing to want/enjoy. The fact it distresses you so much points to some issues You sound asexual or sex repulsed.

  4. Ever thought about a woman? No disrespect but…you could be straight. You never know. Just try it and let me know how it turns out. Get you a strong willed, aggressive woman. If not, good luck. I think you should exhaust all options.

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