Funny enough it's not me. I shower and she says I smell great during sex. But she very much has issues with her smell. It's not bad either, like she will shower before hand and I have no problem at all on my end with how she smells.

It just complicates things because if I go down on her or were fucking and want to switch it up to something else she will usually need to stop so we can do some wet wipe clean up (although these have a chemical smell to them which she tolerates but doesn't like, any suggestions there is welcome too).

Anyway anyone have any suggestions on products or strategies to help her with her own sense of smell/disgust? The constant need to address that overactive nose of hers sometimes kills our momentum and makes things way to drawn out (neither of us like fucking for 2-3 hours in order to get each other off because we are constantly starting and stopping).

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