My girlfriend [21F] and I[21M] has been together for 2 years and everything she has been doing lately has been irritating me.

Recently I've been feeling irritated about her actions. she is now showing lots of PDA which I used to like in our first year of the relationship but sometimes it makes me uncomfortable because I just want to do the thing we are doing, like shopping for groceries because we want to cook something. We were driving somewhere one day and I had to answer a phone call which turned off my GPS so I didn't know where I was going, I drove around the block for the entire phone call and she did not think to help guide us to where we needed to go.

Something I've been thinking about recently as well is how we spend 12 hours a day together for 3-5 days a week maybe this was okay in the first few months but it has been constant through our whole relationship. I feel like this is getting in the way of my personal development since I have to not take certain opportunities (I'm a freelancer) and I don't get to spend any time with friends anymore. Also, anytime there is an opportunity to travel for work she gets jealous about me going and gets sad that we won't spend time together so I feel guilty and have passed it up a few times. I didn't take a traditional education and she is in college so she can't really come most of the time.

I feel like our relationship is her whole life but I have a life outside the relationship that I want to continue to work on like my career and spending time with my friends

How should I bring this up to her without hurting her feelings too much? Every time I try to bring stuff like this up she gets sad and I end up feeling like an asshole.

TLDR: I think everything my girlfriend has been annoying recently and I think it might be because we spend too much time together and I can't have a life.

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