I’ve been talking to this guy for little over 3 months. we’re getting pretty close and agreed to b exclusive. he said he’s planning something 4 me and has been for a week…the only possible thing i can think of is prom…pretty sure he’s making me a poster (considering the questions he’s been asking) and that great!!! but prom is a little over 1 week away. If this is the case I’m really worried! I have nothing ready. (dress, nails,shoes,hair,prom ticket) @ this point should I just ask him if he’s going to prom or if he wants to go with me? bc if that is the surprise thennn i need time to prepare (he says the surprise isn’t ready yet) but if it’s something completely different and I ask him to prom 1 week before then that kinda sucks on my part. Advice?

1 comment
  1. Just ask him to prom and if he says yes then theres no problem. He can still show you the poster or whatever it might be.

    Honestly i think its a win win if you ask him

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