
We are both from a village in Europe. A very bad one. Fortunately my family was supportive enough to help me move to the city and go to university. My best friend was not that lucky. She has 4 more brothers and sisters and they were poorer than us. The thing is she is very beautiful. Blonde, slim, tall, naturally curly and for this reason some modelling agencies contacted her but her stepfather was against it saying she will be photographed naked. She was insistent so he beaten her with a belt calling her names. She was depressed. Now we are both 20 and she found a man, a foreigner, through one of these agencies and they started seeing each other. But he is like 14 years olden than her. She fell in love, or so she said with his looks and good manners.

Now, he is handsome but I think it was the thing he offered her: a chance to be a model in Western Europe. She went there with him and didn’t talk to anyone more or less. He indeed kept his word. She sent me some WOW photos of her in lingerie from a professional shoot (not only in lingerie, she also does other). But she was crying and told me he is beating her, locking her inside the apartment so she won’t leave. He has control over her. As I said she is more than gorgeous so probably other men are around her too. She is so vulnerable. I told her to just leave but she doesn’t wanna hear. She told me she wants to be a model and this is her only chance. After she will become independent she will dump him. BTW, he is her first boyfriend. I am worried for her. He is very brutal to her and treats her poorly. How could I talk to her so I convince her it can end badly?

  1. That is not how modelling works.
    She needs to apply to agencies who can put her in front of clients. It can be done online and they want simple photos,.

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