Hi everyone,

It's been a while since my last update and quite a lot has happened since the, I thought I would hop on and give a little update about my life now. Before anything, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who commented on my last posts and who helped me through such a hard time.

It took me a while of processing everything, but I decided to reach out to my BM. I finally felt ready. I sent her a message, I kept it simple introducing myself and saying I think I'm her bio-son. I made it clear that I had no expectations of a relationship, if she didn't want one. I was simply reaching out to know more about my origins.

To my surprise, she responded less than 10 minutes later. She told me she had been hoping I would reach out and was waiting for me to do so. She told me she had never stopped thinking of me. She was indeed very young when she had me, she said that giving me up was the most difficult decision she's ever made. She thought it would provide me with a better life than she could have given me at the time.

Hearing this from her, it was both heartbreaking and comforting. She seemed really regretful, but also glad that I reached out.

We decided to meet in person a couple weeks ago. It was an emotional experience, for both of us. She brought photos of her when she was pregnant with me, and Jesus, she was 14 but she didn't look older than 11. They were hard to look at. I learnt that I have 2 half-brothers. They're only 5 and 7. I have met them and it's weird, they look like me when I was young. She said she had always hoped I had a good life, and wondered what happened to me.

I still think that I am still processing everything, even now. But since meeting her I feel a sense of peace and closure that I haven't ever before.

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