Hi there!

Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Congratulations Spain! Played the best football of the tournament, no losses, came through a difficult group, beat Germany, and now the deserving winner of the cup. I am happy for them, well done. 

    Long journey home today, and work tomorrow 😵‍💫 but okay, I had a good rest. I hope everyone has a good start to the week.

  2. Chee Chong Fun for breakfast and char kwei teow for lunch.. what more do you need?

    Kuala Kangsar, visiting on a day trip today… there are some great heritage buildings here, and a beautiful traditional mosque too.

  3. I went to a public screening of Midsommar in a cemetery yesterday with I would say at least hundreds, possibly thousands, of other people.

    Now, I’m not Christian or anything, but am I the only person who finds it a bit odd to have a movie screening in the middle of a cemetery? Cemeteries are supposed to be places of reflection, not places to hold giant parties. I also continue to be perplexed by the fact that you can drive through cemeteries in the US, because even in death there’s apparently no respite from LA traffic.

    (Midsommar was great btw).

  4. A question for everyone especially those in Denmark: Did anyone else’s childhood home have a Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookie container as storage for their sewing materials?

  5. Is it true that many European girls are communicative and spontaneous, willing to talk to strangers, approach them and even flirth with them? I am from the Balkans and the situation is totally different here. I’ve heard that girls are way different in Russia and the Checz republic, what about the rest of Europe?

  6. My gym had an interesting poll question this morning: Would you rather be able to communicate telepathically or know every language? I say this question is interesting because theoretically if one could communicate telepathically there would be no need for language. I still opted for knowing every language because I’d still prefer to communicate by more traditional means (and I’m pretty sure the telepathy would be useless over the internet).

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