Hello. Since the very first friend group of mine, I had been treated like an outcast, when I was in school I was bullied by ppl and it went on. Now I am in college and the same thing happens. The 4 males in the group consantly bully me like a wolf pack claiming to be my friends and say really mean things related to my past. There r other two females in the grp but they aren't picked on like me. The guys never say anything bad about eo, they just uplift eo, on the other hand they keep affecting my morale. Everywhere I go there is someone trying to pick one me and I am exhausted. I wouldn't mind if everyone else was spoken of like me but no. Just me. I even fight back or ignore them but nothing works. Avoiding my last year of college to avoid my so called friends who r enemies in disguise. Wat should I do? I don't have friends and I am super lonely due to all this.

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