I have always hear this story about guys who eventually move on after a prolonged time being obsessed with a particular woman. But I still find it strange that after knowingly women find men unattractive who obsessed, suddenly they want their attention back. Share some thoughts.

  1. Attention feels really nice to some people and when they lose it they want that feeling back.

    Even if it’s from someone they think is unattractive it’s still a good feeling for them.

  2. Probably because they enjoyed the attention and once it’s gone they want it back

  3. The key is to stop being obsessed, she’ll always want his attention if he doesn’t suffocate her with it all the time and give it to her in doses

  4. She doesn’t want you but she likes the feeling of being wanted. Simple as that.

  5. She wants attention and validation. When she’s no longer getting it (usually from the other guy she’s seeing instead of you), she’ll come back around and seek it from you, b/c she knows you’ll give it to her. That is… until the other guy, or another one, comes along, then you’re put back on the shelf. Don’t give these type of women the satisfaction of your time and energy.

  6. It’s a cat and mouse game. It’s only fun when you can’t have it.

  7. Some people leverage this against the other person. They take advantage of it. They will purposely pull away, talk less, act colder, etc bc they know it’ll get that person to want them more.

    I think it’s a common human trait in general. I’d be lying if I said I don’t inherently want someone more when they stop talking. It’s not really rational at all but hey most human emotions aren’t

  8. Eh doesn’t happen every time. the most recent time for me I could tell the girl was crazy early on, we argued like 5 times on TEXT before we even met over the most random shit but she would always text me first a few days later.

  9. It’s usually a power-play. So they want your attention after you don’t give them attention and as soon as you give them attention they don’t want you anymore. This is been going on since the Paleolithic era

  10. Because she want to have attention and validation the second that stops she’s without that free resource

  11. A lot of men completely pretend to be a woman’s friend to get close to her. When he backs off because she won’t put out, she wonders what happened to their friendship.

    Women are nice to people they don’t want to sleep with and don’t understand that men are generally only nice to have sex with us. We really think we’re friends and miss the friendship…

  12. Same thing as always, validation, makes them feel good to know they still have some control about the person, when they realize they don’t, they obsesses about it or even chase. When they get enough, they’ll drop the person again. Not worth your energy.

  13. Never seen it happen. Obsessed men are just stalkers waiting to happen. Women tend to run from that type or keep it friendly enough in hopes that the potential stalker doesn’t become violent/dangerous.

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