Something I recently realized is that I am not very in touch with my body. I can't tell whether I am in the mood or not and this sometimes frustrates my sexual partners because I would genuinely think I want to have sex though my physical reaction suggests otherwise. After a partner brought it up during communication I started thinking about it, and realized that it has happened more than once in various circumstances. I have been sexually active for a few years now but the only time I have had a penetrative orgasm is also the only time I had drunk sex, so I am guessing that it is the alcohol that formed that mind–body connection for me. Now it seems that if I can actually get in touch with my body, sex would vastly improve for me as well as my partners. My best guess is that this disconnection has something to do with my childhood trauma but I didn't seem to find much of a connection between the two. Any idea, suggestion, advice is welcomed.

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