I have been in a relationship with her for 5 months and while it seems like a short time, we have been through quite a lot together so it seems like longer. Before starting college we have been relatively close to each other seeing each other every week or every other week and after college she moved back to where she used to be because she wouldn't be supported anymore. We were doing okay for the first 2 weeks, but then for the past 2 days she had been distant and yesterday she didn't respond to me for a whole day. Me and her usually send each other updates (it's normal for us to update frequently and I don't really mind if she's busy, but I can at least expect a single message from lunch time) so I am very paranoid, she's suddenly cold and spent time with a classmate(M) the whole day, and that made me overthink because of the sudden change. I know that she is just exhausted from college and I am sure of that, I am really just an overthinker and because of that leads to what happens in the title.

I asked her to make time for a conversation so I could tell her about how I felt disconnected lately, but instead of doing that, I made the mistake of letting my emotions take control and ask if there's something between her and her classmate. I lead with something like, "I trust you a lot, but you're giving me every reason to overthink" and I listed the following reasons previously, "Is this nothing?" implying to the relationship between the two of them. I trust her a lot and I know that she wouldn't cheat on me, I really just was paranoid, she got mad at me for a while and I apologized. She responded after a while and we talked and we both apologized for the things that hurt each of us.

I don't think it was a hard accusation, but more of asking for reassurance if she isn't doing anything behind my back which I would argue would be worse?? I just want to ask if this is still salvageable, we are still together and I just want to know how this would affect our relationship. Is the relationship over?

TL;DR She was with her classmate 18M helping her look for a dorm while she was radio silent, and I was overthinking and asked if there nothing was happening between them.

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