We've been dating for a short time (10months) but about one month into the relationship I told him I am not ok with porn and I think of it as cheating

Roughly 2 months ago I had asked him if he stopped because I had a feeling for which I had thought I'm crazy for asking but he said no and that he hasn't watched it since

A few days ago we came back from a trip to the uk with his parents and I got the feeling again (to the point where I couldnt sleep) so i asked again today which he initially said "no" while looking at me but i pressured him and he admitted that he had been watching it but felt guilty all along

Idk what to do next its like he hasn't respected my boundaries but he said that now he understands it and he will never do it again after he saw how hurt I was (this was the first time i cried in front of him) and he said that he wont let this ruin our relationship but it feels like he broke my heart and my trust for doing this.

I genuinely wanted to believe him but ig the woman instinct never fails. Also I've felt like throwing up since i found out and had heart palpitations so if anyone has tips for that they're more than welcome

tl;dr: my boyfriend (21M) lied to me about his porn addiction

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