I’m not sure if he’s a narcissist but these are some things he does. He doesn’t have any friends. He is very close to his family and siblings. They blindly defend him and never believe me when I tell them how he treats me:

-doesn’t use protection when I ask him to

-says mean things to me daily (ex: I shouldn’t have married someone who doesn’t love themselves, I made a mistake marrying you)

-cheated on me for a year using dating apps (emotional cheating )

-doesn’t talk or spend time with me

-initially used to give me gifts and wanted to be together 24/7

-Argues about everything

-Always makes me spend time with his family but never spends time with mine

-doesn’t respect my needs or wants (ex: if I want to go home early from a party at his family’s house because I’m tired he will get mad)

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