So I’ve been dating this girl for 2 months now, we’re both in our early 30s. When we’ve been apart she’s called me several times saying how much she misses me, how cute I am and what not. We last went on a date 3 weeks ago and a while after then, I texted her asking if she was free later on in the week to go out again, she said she was busy, I was ok fine I’ll give her some time.

Then she still kept texting me throughout the week sharing memes and exchanging jokes so it all seemed good. Then she sends me a text again saying she misses me, I say I miss her too and ask her if she’s free this weekend but then no reply at all and it’s been a week since then.

Any suggestions on what the reason might be for that? If it weren’t for her saying she misses me, I would have just written it as a loss and moved on, no big deal. But the fact that she literally texts me saying she misses me and then just ghosts me afterwards has left me so confused. Is she testing me or what? I’m feeling bitter about this so I’m refraining myself from sending another text asking what the problem is until she replies if that even happens

Any insight or suggestions from similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

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