What do you love about the tomboy/non-gender-conforming little girls in your life?

  1. Great question! I’m struggling… but one thing is she stands up for herself.

  2. Their willingness to share their interests. Be it bugs, sports, plants, animals, whatever. Unbridled joy telling me niche facts I’ll never retain. They haven’t had the experience of being told it’s not “lady like” suck the fun out of their interests and I hope they never do.

  3. Well our girl is sort of gender conforming. She loves sparkles and fluff and unicorns and shit. But she won’t listen to anybody. At all. She’s 3. Not even me, her beloved, favourite person in the whole world, nana banana. Nope. She runs away. Says Nope Nope Nope. She squinches her eyes and pretends we arent there. We get SO MAD. We yell and scream. (No bad things, just things luke YOU HAVE TO LISTEN. YOURE GONNA GET IN TROUBLE!! etx) And she says NOPE NOPE NOPE. And she giggles and says SAWWY and runs. It makes me so mad. But I admire the hell out of her. I love that girl.

  4. I was the tomboy. I love that I did any activity I enjoyed whether it be typically masculine or typically feminine.

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