
I was a victim of asault when I was a teen. Since then I avoided men. I was scared of them and scared of everything sexual. I am in therapy since 2018. I went to a few dates in the last 4 years and even kissed a guy and made out with him but I couldn’t bring myself to do anything more. This was all in 2019 and also because of covid I kinda got stuck. My avoidance became even more intense but at least I became much more social outside a romantic/dating situation. I joined a sports club and have a job where I communicate a lot. Therapy helps too, but my therapist is now on medical leave so I don’t want to text her what happened to me.

I work in a building with 5 companies. Almost daily I cross paths with one guy who is good looking but I never thought more about it. Just, well, nice body/face. Nothing else for months. As I said I see men as something I want to avoid. But on friday I saw him with his wife/girlfriend. She was upset and sad and he took her in a tight hug and kissed her forehead. That image made my heart beat faster. Since Friday I keep obsessing over that image and for the very first time since the tragic even in my life I found myself day dreaming about a man. I even pictured me with him in bed. Trust me this is a looot. I did some exercises with my psychologists in virtual exposure and it was hard for me to imagine a guy is touching me. And I naturally imagined me having sex with him, cuddling with him. I am more than confused. I am terrified. What is happening? Am I obsessing over a guy or that kiss on forehead was something that for once was bigger than my fear, my avoidance. I never cared for him. I barely noticed his existence until I saw him kissing her forehead. BTW, I knew he is with someone. It is not the first time I see them together. Please, any advise is great.

  1. Try taking dating out of the equation. Just try to have some platonic guy friends (choose wisely, us guys can tend to he weird) to maybe help normalize being around men.

    This just stems from how I’ve realized I prefer to date. Forming a friendship with someone and then seeing if you both feel like getting closer is much safer and you can set your boundaries without alienating the other person. And if they’re not cool with that then you probably didn’t want to date them anyways

  2. Yeah, that’s obvious you are longing for something you have never had and thought it might not be provided by men ever.

    Welcome to the shitshow that is dealing with your fucked up youth.

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