My boyfriend 21M and me 23F have been dating for the past 9 months and we have been on an off in the year prior to that. We are currently in a long distance relationship and have been for the past month. He's supposed to come back in 2 months. Our relationship in the past month has been rocky. I was very paranoid about him cheating on me so i was questionning him a lot and putting a lot of pressure on him. We talked about it and it was solved but after that we started fighting for days at time for little things and blowing things out of proportion. This time we just made up after a fight, he had called me 2 times that day after work and on the second call it was almost 2am where i am and 10pm where he is. I was watching a show and turned it off as soon as he called to talk to him but a few minutes into the call he told me he needed to go get his food order. I waited for 30 minutes expecting him to call me back but he didn't so i messaged three times and he didn't answer. When i called he said he was just done eating and i told him to call me to talk for a bit because it was 3am at that point and i needed to go to sleep. He told me to wait 30 minutes while he watched his show and i hung up. I told him that that made me feel bad and explained why. Mind you i've been telling him that i needed reassurance and that i missed him from fighting so much and not talking for days. He got upset and blamed me for nitpicking and called me controlling and that i was awaiting the slightest slip up to be upset with him and he got really mad and was really mean and refused to listen to my perspective claiming i just like to nitpick and overreact. Mind you this man used to care about these details so much and would have never reacted this way to me being upset with something like this. i don't know if i'm in the wrong and what do you think i should do ?

Additional information: I forgot to mention that he said that he felt like I didn't appreciate the efforts he's making and that I focus only on the small negatives instead of the positives

TLDR : My boyfriend 21M get mad and mean at me 23F whenever i get genuinely upset and speak about something small he did because he thinks i'm just nitpicking.

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