I'm in my mid-30s and this is the longest I've been single. Haven't even been on a date in years and my only outlet to meet new women is online. While this favored me in the past, it hasn't been the same these days.

I'm an attractive guy (according to others) , an anime/comic geek, film lover and everything else that falls under the term " blerd". I'm essentially just looking for the same in a woman. Every now and then I find what seems to be a perfect match online.

Someone that's looking for something long-term that has the same interests and likes I do.

But time after time there always seem to be one thing that turns them off completely.

For example the last person I spoke with had even gone far as to ask me on a first date. Everything seemed great until they decided to actually read my whole profile I guess and noticed I smoked both cigs and weed. She then said " Why are you smoking?". I told her I definitely understand the cigarettes as I even want to quit them but I don't get the problem with weed, especially since I'm a 420 patient and use it recreationally as well as medically. I tried to explain to her that it's way more common than she thinks. She immediately unmatched with me without saying another word.

Another person was very fond of me as well but then realized I was shorter than her. Then told me if that's the case I'm not her type.
Yet everything else fit and that's the one thing you can't get over?

Another because I'm not into sports.

Why is this thing called dating so difficult??
Are all women that stuck on perfection and needing to have a guy check off every single box before they can give him a chance?

Is there no such thing as compromise anymore?

Trust me I get everyone has their non-negotiables but it seems that potential matches these days nitpick and then wonder why they can't find anybody genuine.

I have standards too but I certainly am willing to take a person as they are before I judge them on simple stats or traits.

I'm much more interested in if she is a good loving and fun person

If I was 6 ft tall, a jock, made $100,000 a year but was a complete asshole then I'd have women all over me.

I just don't get it and it makes it seem like there are no women that are actually down to earth .

I don't feel like I'm that terrible of a match to not be able to even get a date. But what do I know.

Some people will probably comment that online isn't the way to date and trust me I would do other methods if I had a way to. But what do you say to so many couples who have met online and are now married ? Or in long-term happy relationships?

I know it's possible. At least Im hoping..

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