I am a 26 year old woman and I am finally moving out of toxic dads house. The apartment that I am getting is brand new but it’s only 471 square feet. I’m really excited because I didn’t need a co-signer, I got approved, it’s renovated but I also feel embarrassed because it’s small. Men, would it be a turn off if the person your dating has a small apartment?

  1. If they wouldn’t date you due to your apt then you probably dodged a bullet.

  2. Lol no. Who cares the size? My condo is 470 and I love it. Congrats on your place. Some dudes dont even have a place and live with their parents. You good fam

  3. Who cares if it’s small? Most people still live at home because rent is so high. The cost of living is ridiculous. You’ve gotta have 3 full-time jobs, a few side hustles and maybe a few illicit activities to make it now a days. Own that shit girl! Be proud.

  4. Most men would date women that are unemployed and living at home… Even if women tend to have higher standards regarding their own place/jobs lol. Most men wont care, even having your own place at all is a plus. 471 square feet apartment doesnt even sound that bad…

  5. Agree with netxero, if you get any hint of judgement drop that candidate post haste.

    And, of course, don’t have your first dates at your apartment anyway. Keep that as your refuge, you know? Enjoy having your safe space and don’t depreciate the value of that anytime soon. Enjoy!

  6. I wouldn’t care. Times are tough in this economy, you would have to be insanely privileged to be turned off by something like that

  7. I’m 41M… lived in a 400 sq ft apartment for a year and a half and found the girl of my dreams. We’re getting married in September. The size of your apartment means nothing. Live WELL within your means and save the rest.

    Spoiler alert: I moved in with her… not vice versa. 400 sq ft IS a bit small for a couple and her three kids. Lol

  8. Hell no

    Edit: lmao I didn’t finish typing my reply and hit post..

    Hell no that shit don’t matter. You making effort to grow and that counts for way more than the size of your place

  9. In general, men don’t care about your estate, riches, or economic status. Those things are often big factors for many women, but it just isn’t as important to us. As long as you’re enthusiastic about being with us and aren’t a slob, we’ll be ecstatic to have you. If it’s a good man, that is.

    (And before anyone gets butthurt, please note that I didn’t paintbrush all men and women. I’m explaining to make the OP understand and feel better about herself.)

  10. small=cozy 🙂 don’t worry about it and create a lovely home for yourself!

  11. Yeah like alot of the comments said, who would judge someone on where they live lol? Most guys just want a sweet, honest, compassionate woman, and vice versa for women seeking men. If there is someone who brings that up that is a super red flag.

  12. I (30M) would date someone with a small apartment. That wouldn’t bother me at all.

  13. Single people who live alone tend to have small apartments even well off people. It’s much more manageable and if you’re not spending much time there, it’s pointless to have alarger one.

    What would you think of a guy with a 1 bedroom apartment who lives alone?

  14. I can’t speak for other people, but I tend to judge people based on how hygienic they are. That includes how clean they keep their bathroom.

    I couldn’t care less how large the living space is. Especially with how high rent is now.

  15. At this point, I feel like it’s really common to have roommates to work around, so if you’re living on your own, I think that would be a big asset even if the apartment is kind of small.

  16. I live in 210 square feet (in Paris, France) and it’s never been an issue! Your apartment is huuuuge 🙂

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