Hello, just wondering how common place this behavior is. Do people actually do this? Also food fights, do they happen frequently? If this is true, why?

  1. This is just a movie thing, I really don’t think this happens but if it did that may have been some time ago that I can’t recall.

    Edit:just skimmed Wikipedia(I know not best source) and in children’s shows it’s a way to show childish behavior, also food fights occur in festivals and rebellions. No, Americans do not actually have food fights that’s just something in our media.

    As for pies I suspect the same as I know that pies are featured in slapstick often.

  2. No, that almost never happened in real life. The only example I can’t think of is people smushing cake on people’s faces at birthday parties. But even then that’s not very common

  3. This happened to me when i was a young teenager. My buddy cracked one of my teeth clean off. Never saw it coming

  4. From kindergarten to 12th grade I witnessed 1 food fight in the 7th grade. Luckily I was near the door so I left. The food fight lasted less than 15 seconds.

  5. Once in college we had a cake fight. It was my friends birthday and he knocked the whole cake on the ground, and then just started throwing it at people. Everyone joined in and it was great.

    Until we had to clean, that fucking sucked.

  6. Done it a couple times at birthday parties and pie eating contests in college.

    Also my church held a food fight outside for a game for the youth group.

  7. I’ve never witnessed it, I’ve only seen it on videos or shows. Seems 1. Really rude and 2. A waste of cake.

  8. I’ve never actually seen anyone do this. The closest thing was a little kid dove head first into his own birthday cake. He was only 1 I believe, they set the cake down in front of him started singing the birthday song and mid verse he just went face first into it. It was actually really funny. His entire face was blue and white

  9. Here’s a general rule for anyone watching American TV who isn’t from the US, if it is on TV and is shocking then that is the reason it is on TV.

    And in almost every instance, it is not normal. Normal things don’t shock.

  10. At weddings it’s a trope but any couple that does the cake thing should have it planned out together beforehand. I’ve heard of newly wedded couples where the wife left after the groom after he did that because he saw it on TV. As she should. That just shows disrespect.

  11. Do things you see on TV occur? Yes.

    How many other hours of television have you consumed in your lifetime? How many cake smashings did you see? That’s how frequent it happens.

    Food fights are a trope in TV and movies.

  12. So as others mentioned, “pie on the face” will be used as a fundraiser, especially for schools/churches. Sometimes it’s just a pie tin full of whipped cream and not an actual pie.

  13. Food fights were common at my elementary school. It was a big enough issue the adults were very upset. They made a rule that having food on you got detention. I remember NOT being in a food fight, but someone threw potatos at me, so I had the afternoon in the principals office hearing about it going on my “permenant record. ”

    After 6th grade I have not witnessed one food fight.

    I have only seen the pie thing on tv shows.

  14. Frequently? Absolutely not. It’s a movie thing. It makes for a good scene.

    But I will admit to *throwing* a slice of pie at someone once, back when I was younger and stupider. Dude was being a racist asshole and I lost my temper. Threw a slice of pie at him while I figured out how to process the emotions.

  15. I’m sure I’ll get backlash but it’s super trashy to do this to someone. It’s not funny and is in poor taste. The worst I ever saw was a dad do this to his son at his 5th bday party and his son was crying and he just stood there laughing at him. It was so uncomfortable for everyone there. This man later had a shirtless wrestle with his father for no reason in the yard during the party for fun. This was in Wisconsin. I can see an appeal to certain types of people but certainly not my cup of tea.

  16. The birthday thing is more a prank and is uncommon, but happens. Food fights are unheard of in real life. If you are slamming someone into a pie it’s usually just a “creampie” (a pie tin filled with whipped cream and that’s it. It’s not really something people eat and exists for the purpose of throwing it. Also where the sexual term gets it’s name)

  17. It’s an old slapstick comedy trope from silent movies and vaudeville that’s survived to the modern day. Much like slipping on a banana peel (a brief problem after the introduction of bananas to US cities in the 1880s). Not a very common thing.

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