It is just so one sided and I hate it. I spend so much time pleasing him while getting nothing in return. In the past I would spend like 4 hours just giving him head and get nothing in return. I brought it up to him and he decided to cut off oral sex for good. Yet just yesterday I gave him head 🥲

He said it was because of a comment I made like 2 months ago where I said I felt nothing when he does it. I did apologize and said explained I was trying to say he didn't put in effort in me to make it good. He would barely spend like a minute on me. And I feel like he is just using that as an excuse because we have been with each other for 3 years, since the beginning of the relationship, he never really put in effort into me. The whole relationship the most amount of time he has spent on me was like 2 minutes.

I am not really sure what to do. I obviously respect his boundary of no oral sex yet it just makes me feel like I am not good enough. I want to be able to enjoy sex as well. If I say no to sex, he will refuse to speak to me or hang out so idk

I kind of don't wanna have sex as much anymore since he created that boundary however he also doesn't take no for an answer. He will keep pushing for sex and if I don't give in he will tell me to go home or he will be upset

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