My Favorite Gift was when I got a One Pound Hershey Chocolate Bar during a Secret Santa.

  1. The one that is most memorable is a little bear dressed as Santa Claus that my partner bought for me on our first Christmas together.

    22 years later,we are enjoying Chrstmas morning now,and the bear is sitting in its usual place,where it always is every Christmas 😉

  2. I was dumb founded when I got was my brother’s old bicycle. He is a bike mechanic and built it himself. It was a high end mountain bike which at the time cost 1000€. I used it happily for a little over eight years and only sold it because the bike wasn’t very practical in a big city.

  3. My life.

    I almost died from serious illness. I wasn’t expected to live. This was just before Christmas 2007

    You can’t get a present than that.

  4. Probably a wooden set I received for Christmas some 10 years ago comprising of a cupboard, a table and two chairs, they were the perfect size for my dolls so I used it a lot 🙂

  5. My grandma once anticipated me the gift of next birthday and christmas, she was like: “c’mon, I’m 90 years old, I want to be sure just in case…”

  6. €50 from a drunk Frenchman..

    It was in 2019. I was waiting for my car (valet) in front of a fancy hotel in Milano, Italy. I was dressed all black coz my company had a theme event and I was on the hindsight not so well off and had a cheapish suit on. A drunk Frenchman walks off and gives me 50 and asks me to get his car and call him as he will be waiting in the lobby. Before I could say anything he walked off. My car came. Gave the valet a 10 euro note I had along with the Frenchman’s keys. Drove off.

    Unexpected money FTW!!

  7. I’ve just received a Pringles can with 40€ attached from my grandmother. Not bad at all.

  8. I was 7-8 years old and i was given a castle set of Playmobil offbrand with like 20 knights and battle ram and siege tower, it lasted me 10 years with constant playing. Will never forget that gift

  9. I have never gotten any presents for Christmas. It’s not a thing in a lot of Dutch families, since we already give each other gifts on Sinterklaas (St Nicholas eve) December 5th.

  10. A nice pair of socks. We Dutch people don’t have a gifting tradition for Christmas because we do that with the St. Nick celebration on Dec. 5th. So getting a nice pair of socks was a big surprise. Also, I really like getting nice socks. Someone once gave me a pair of socks for my birthday and was like “WTF lol 😆”, but after my initial surprise I ended up liking it so much as a gift that I’ve been putting socks on my wishlist ever since.

  11. My first computer for Christmas in 2000(Me nad my sister were so happy). That thing was so overpriced it was crazy. In 2003 I bought pc that was only 1/6 of it’s price and like 10 times stronger.

    But yeah computers were developing incredibly fast back than. I still remember how I read about 2 core CPU and was impressed. Nowadays I got CPU with 8 cores and 16 threads and it never goes above 20% usage.

  12. A Sinclair ZX81 w/ 16k RAM in ’81. A week later I wrote Z80 assembly. Essentially started my career.

  13. A Nintendo 3DS and Pokémon Black 2 White 2 for Christmas 2012. I don’t remember if I got Inazuma Eleven 3 then or later.

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