Example: Your partner has a separate period/ovulation calendar that they use/maintain to track your period, even though you maintain your own period/ovulation calendar. So your partner’s calendar is for their own info about you, and as backup data for your calendar. Would you consider that behavior to be helpful, loving, intrusive, offensive, non-trusting, too much, etc?

  1. I can’t really imagine a good reason for them to have that. How upset I’d be about it would really depend on their reasons for it.

  2. Theirs is going to be wrong pretty immediately, so it’s useless to them unless they are actively checking in on the regular with me to get the specific start and end dates and updating their data and predictions with every cycle – which would be intrusive and super weird.

    Honestly, I would think it was a little weird and pointless of them regardless. I don’t see any value in it, so depending on their reasoning, I might find it off-putting. If they want to know my cycle, they can clearly just ask me.

  3. I don’t think I’d feel strongly in really either regard. If he wants to learn about and track my cycle it wouldn’t bother me at all.

  4. Depends on why they were doing it and why they couldn’t just ask me what they needed to know.

  5. Confused. My partner can barely keep track of his own life, let alone mine. Plus, what would be the point of it for him? I’m tracking patterns and pattern changes relating to menopause. If my partner wants good data and analysis, he would just ask me.

  6. I use natural cycles and it has an option for your partner to view. I know he peaks at it or will ask me when my next period will be. Usually it means he is planning a small road trip and is trying to make sure that I am not on my period that week. I have painful periods so I don’t like doing much that weekend. But if it’s making you feel weird. I would just ask why he is tracking your period.

  7. I would be fine with it. I’m not sure how he would though since I don’t even really track it

  8. I would not be happy with it. To me, it feels invasive and I just don’t like it.

  9. I would be happy with cooperation in tracking my cycle and in collecting additional data about it but would hope that they talked to me about it first.

  10. My girlfriend tracks my cycle and it doesn’t bother me. I don’t care enough to track it but she does so it works out. She likes being able to give me what I want/need during my cycle like certain foods or space to myself.

  11. Well that would depend on their reason. And I would definitely be upset if they didn’t tell me about it, that’s little too invasive and controlling for me.

  12. I know my husband keeps a rough mental track of my cycle and it doesn’t bother me. It’s something that impacts both of us, so it makes sense

  13. I guess it depends on why they are doing it. My husband routinely will buy chocolates, fruits, and period products before I start-although he’s been doing that before he “tracked” it. He’s been fairly in tune with my cycle and is very thoughtful. We don’t plan things the week I’m supposed to start, so having that calendar tracking is helpful.

  14. My partner already keeps better track of my period than I do and he doesn’t even use an app 😭 so many times we’ve had this conversation:

    Me: *melting down over something minuscule, eating everything in the house, fucking exhausted*
    Him: “Doesn’t your period start next week?”
    Me: “AW FUCK not again”

  15. If my partner used this information to plan our sexual health and date nights, FANTASTIC.

    For any other reason, fuck off.

  16. I wish my period app had a share feature that allowed my info to be viewable but not alterable on other accounts. I could ensure my teen was tracking *hers* correctly and hey if a partner wants access to mine, cool.

    But right now while in concept having my partner track separately *sounds* like a nice and good idea it isn’t actually practical and would therefore be frustrating and weird.

  17. Personally I’d like it, but that’s because my partner is a really considerate person. He’d probably just use it to know when to buy me chocolate, be a little extra quiet and sure to cook some red meat for dinner. I am lucky.

  18. I “track” it just because I notice it. It helps me know if they need pads/tampons or snacks for blood sugar.

    There is this fear of cheating that I do have so it is helpful to keep in mind as well

  19. I already track it so I see no reason that they would also need to do so, when they could just ask if they had a question about it.

    There isn’t a reason they would need to track it anyway, considering that we’re not trying to get pregnant and we both have zero issues with period sex.

  20. My husband and I share my Clue account. He has it downloaded on his phone. I think I have PMDD and it’s helped him understand my moods a lot

  21. we both kinda track each other’s periods just to see if we’re synced up 🤷‍♀️ mine are irregular so i like to know how long it’s been since she’s had hers, who had theirs first, whether she had hers if i skipped the month, etc.

  22. I think some period trackers have the “couple’s” option and I’d be pretty happy if my partner was interested in using it. Periods are a pretty big part of woman’s life and it really bugs me when men want us to pretend it does not exist. Idk about him tracking my period separately, though. Feels kinda over-the-top/weird to me. Same goes for if my partner was a woman.

  23. Depends on why? I mean if he knows he doesn’t notice stuff like that, and wants to be helpful those days, then it’s nice, I would have preferred that to my ex’s “you’re grouchy, are you on your period?”…

    But it can also really quickly delve into some controlling behavior, or using it as “silly woman, I won’t listen to you because you’re on your period”…

    I guess you know your partner and your relationship, and whether you use our period/dates as BC, which would also influence it, but again, depends on the intention, it could be “these days are fertile, I better avoid them, because family planning is also my responsibility” or “these days are fertile, baby trapping time, she won’t be able to leave me now”

    I’d say is a case-by-case situation

  24. If I already know about it and he has my approval, I would find that helpful. At least he knows when my mood will switch and be less attacked when it starts without me knowing it. And also plan better these weeks (before and during) so we don’t plan as much activities.

  25. Depends on how long we’ve been dating and the motivations.

    I’ve had a hysterectomy so no more periods (yay!) but back when I had them, I would maybe be ok with a bf of two+ years (where presumably we’re living together and looking towards marriage) tracking things. A new partner? Hell no.

    And if it’s just for general knowledge and to know when I might have less patience or be a bit testier, that’s ok (though he should just ask me). If it’s to keep track for more nefarious reasons, I’d break up.

  26. I was super weirded out when a guy I had only been dating for a couple of months said, “I figured” when I told him I was on my period. I asked him if he was tracking my cycles and he just kind of shrugged.

    That was our last date.

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