I've always struggled with knowing whether people are good or bad friends, and have found myself surrounded by a lot of people that just make me feel bad when I'm around them.

I hung out with a friend last week to catch up and they just kept talking over me and the entire time it felt like a one way conversation.

I've found I have a problem with people finding me who want me to be their personal therapist, and I'm trying not to do that anymore, but for a while I was isolated from everyone and now I'm trying to have more confidence to be around people.

I don't expect everyone I know to be super chill and easy to deal with (or should I?) but some people I know are just very hard for me to deal with now. Criticizing, complaining, self centered, or downright rude.

I always feel the urge to give them advice but they never listen to it so I try to not put myself in that position anymore. That's what made me isolated when I cut off everyone who was annoying, and just realized everyone I know annoys me. So I'm trying to be more accepting of people and I don't know how to do it without them draining me and making me feel bad when I'm around them.

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