Kind of a long story:

I(21M) met this girl(23F) at the end of last year, she became my coworker. We kinda clicked and started hanging out a lot after work, and then we even started hanging alone at my place (3 times in around 1 week). This hanging out was all done in late Dec and whole January.

While we were hanging out, I asked her out on a date, she said she wasnt ready but loves spending time with me (I asked her before we started hanging at my place, and after I asked her out we basically hung out like 12/20 days for the remainder of January.) Anyways, at my place, she gave me at least 3 obvius signals that she still wants something more between us, but sadly I was too stupid/scared to act on it, and then our friendship kinda faded, we were texting much less often, hung out like 2 times a month..

Which made me very depressed, realizing I could still have something more with her and then maybe a relationship. I lost my job end of March, because I was doing some really stupid stuff at work and I was sometimes rude to this friend. After I lost my job, we barely even spoke for more than 2 months.

Then, one day, beginning of June, I apologized to her for me acting the way I did at work (also I was doing alot of drugs so it was noticeable), I told her I am finally clean from everything, and I feel much better and would like for us to go to drink.

We got in contact again, but nothing crazy, maybe some exchanges every 3 days.. Now in July, we started talking a lot lot more again and 2 days ago she said we should go for a coffee on weekend, great. Yesterday, I asked her if it is embarassing that I go on vacation (sea) alone for 2 nights. She said its not, and she also asked me if she can come with me because she really enjoys the sea (she will pay for her trip, so she is not really using me)..

Now, I really dont know, is she interested in me again. She is like more introverted, so I know she wouldnt just go to sea with any guy she knows.

I am kinda confused, we havent gone out alone since March, we lost basically all contact, now we text everyday again, and now she wants to go for a coffee and a vacation with me (she also mentioned we could sleep in the car so we dont pay for the room, but we cant because there are big fines for that). I think when we are at the vacation, I should just ask her if she wants anything more, if not, I'll be totally normal for rest of the trip, if yes, well I will be very very happy in that case, because she is beuatiful and we also totally click.

Idk guys, probably worth at least asking this time, right?

TLDR: Started hanging out with coworker girl, then we hung out at my home, I missed all her signals of "upgrading" our relationship, lost my job because I was so down, lost all contact with her, now we are in big contact again and she wants to go for a 2 night vacation at sea with me, because she loves the sea. I cant forgive myself for not saying anything then, so probably I should at least try this time?

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