Disclaimer: I’m not people or relationship smart. Obviously. Also, throwaway account, don't want to mix this awkwardness with my main.

I’m 30 F and she is late 20s (I think) F. There’s this sushi place I’ve been going to for around 2 years maybe, once a week. And I’m always nice to my baristas, sushi masters, etc. like telling them 'have a nice day' and so on. So I’m kinda used to them being nice in return. And the girl in question was always nice to me. But lately, she got even nicer. And there is a difference in how she treats me vs other customers. I’m talking about little things like giving me extra credits on my loyalty card even though it could get her in trouble, giving me an extra cut of fish, or telling me she missed me when her shifts didn’t align with my visits. And it’s not because of the tips cause I very rarely tip. The difference in how she treats me vs how other customer service workers treat me is noticeable.

And I don’t know what to do with that! Like, is this a very good customer service and it’s normal? Or did I catch her eye? I admit, she’s cute, but I don’t even know her name. I wouldn't want to make it awkward and make her uncomfortable by just asking.

Help. How do I proceed?

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