So i 20f have an extremely high sex drive, as well as a strong stamia. For reference, I spent from around 11:30/12ish yesterday masturbating, until I passed out around 2am, which is basically all day. I get super horny some days where i can’t like focus unless I cum, but after i cum i’m only satisfied for a few minutes and then i’m horny again.

I’ve been told by several people on here that it’s normal for my age to be this horny, and that I should just embrace my libido, but i was rasied Christian and I still consider myself a Christian and it’s hard to embrace something that i’ve been told is a sin without feeling really guilty about it. I’m also waiting for marriage to actually have sex, but that is getting harder to achieve too.

Are there any other high libido Christians or other religious people who have the same problem? I’m just having a hard time dealing with the guilt, because it’s even harder to stop.

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