We have a 7 year old. He has a 6 year old friend. That friend recently told my wife "she can't come in our house; her mom needs to see her". They live across the street.

I've talked to my wife about this before regarding a our boys 10 year old friend. …. She's talking to the 6 year old asking nicely "oh, yeah, I'm just curious if you know why you can't come in. Of course you've been inside many time before…".
Now I figure out what she is talking about because I'm getting ready for work and not close by at first. I get there and try to end it and call her aside.

Now I understand, wife is 50 year old fully functioning adult and has freedom to say what she wants. My interest is this 6 year old child having to be interrogated, albeit in a friendly manner. We are not that close to their family. It's just neighbor kids friends with text occasionally to set up playdates.

Me: Stop asking children personal question ! You are a 50 year old adult mom. She is a child. Talk to her parents. Don't gutlessly ask her.

My wife is one of these people who lacks a filter or more so lacks sense to stop chasing information. It's so bad I ask her "pleas trust me when I signal or ask you to stop ". She pushed me aside on this too until I made it very clear. I'm not her boss. 30 minutes later she realized she should not have been asking this child questions that she should ask girl's mom if she wants to know. But it's a little late by then and she "forgets" and will do it again

Background. I don't know if she's getting dementia. She had a TIA in 2013. But she otheriwse seems normal for her age, just some random poor/odd decisions. So I don't want to excuse it and then be sad I'm losing her to early onset, so I hope she is just stupid sometimes.

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