People all the time say weird, but idk what they mean by that, because it's open to interpretation. If I said "my friend weird in a funny way", "those other people are weird in a cringe way", what's your ideas of not bad weird, and off-putting weird?

  1. I think genuine creepiness is hard to hide.
    My parents had a friend growing up we all jokingly called Scary Gary. He seemed nice enough but always a lil, eh?
    Turns out her was deeply addicted to strange porn and embezzled from his own parents. He couldn’t hide his sketch.

    So… if ppl find you weird or off putting, it may be because you just aren’t good at masking you real motivations.

    You got any weird fetishes or fucked up hobbies? It’ll eventually show.

  2. Good weird: quirky, random but harmless interests, unusual way of speaking perhaps but with charisma, unfortunately quirkiness is more for conventionally attractive people. People love someone conventionally attractive and quirky, it makes them seem unique and the attracted feels less shallow for being attracted.

    Weird weird: has above interests but is poorly socialized. This can range from being needy or awkward, but perceivably does not have ill intent and is aware that they are off putting.

    Cringe weird: above but unaware of the way they are perceived, perhaps even hot headed or arrogant despite obvious social deficiencies.

    Bad weird: weird interests but feels as if they are hiding something dangerous or taboo.

  3. Good weird: Extremely knowledgeable on niche history info or engineering practices

    Bad weird: Extremely knowledgeable on age of consent laws and very open with porn preference

    Those are extremes, though. Mostly, it’s just that they talked about some slightly odd subjects. Like someone telling you the history of memes is kinda odd

  4. Good weird people are nice and eccentric and jolly. Bad weird people are bitter and cold and mean and don’t care about you.

  5. How judgmental they are.

    Good weird: weird, but tolerant of other people’s weirdness.

    Bad weird: weird, but intolerant of other people’s weirdness. A lot of it’s ok when I do it but not when you do it energy.

  6. Weird in a good way – someone who has unusual hobbies or does things unconventionally that doesn’t harm anyone.

    Weird in a not so good way – someone who’s always loud or someone who’s trying to stick out for attention, like with the way they’re dressed or randomly having a lot of makeup or face paint on, but ends up sticking out like a sore thumb and being embarrassing.

  7. from my personal experience, I’d say it depends a lot on their sense of boundary and personal space. I know someone who’s weird in a very harmless way, but has no concept of physical space and boundaries. perceived as a creep by the entire friend group.

  8. This is somewhat individual.

    People who are weird in a good way don’t expect me to take part in their weirdness.

    They’re weird to me, but have no insecurities about this. They celebrate themselves and like themselves for who they are.

    That way I can also easily be friends with them even though they’re weird

    This also goes for people who are socially weird. If they are in acceptance of it and can handle themselves. It is easier for me to be friends with them.

    If however they’re weird about being weird or need me to constantly affirm to them that it is alright, need me or others to be weird aswell to feel better or expect me to carry their weight socially. It gets a little more difficult.

    That is not to say I won’t stand up for a weird bro in a pickle. But he can’t expect me to be there all the time you know.

    Always, in any case, be it weird or not, people who own who they are are easier to get along with than those who still have issues 🙂

  9. Good weird is when someone has interesting opinions/interests/hobbies/etc so basically quirky BUT they still have good social skills.

    Bad weird is usually just poor social skills and creepy behavior

  10. Weird in a bad way when someone makes you feel uncomfortable or feel like they’re a bad person. There’s this guy in our friend group. He’s weird in a bad way with the comments he says that seems to go unnoticed with others, but I swear I can see him taking advantage of a drunk girl or maybe to do lewd acts with minor. I would not feel safe around him.

    It’s just the vibe they give off.

  11. Bad weird is when you make others uncomfortable with your strangeness. If people find you unique, but someone they want to be around again, weirdness is accepted.

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