I live across the country and they come to visit every summer, it's summer so usually the stay is open ended, around 2-3 weeks.

I love my niece but I noticed that when they are here, my sister kind of just opts out of parenting.

She won't feed my niece, cook dinner or breakfast, shower her, plan any activities to keep her engaged. She will just put it on me. In her mind, she's just a passenger, and since they are at my house, it's my show. I'll plan activities and fun things but I have found that even outside of those time I am handling everything and she's kind of on vacation mode as a parent. I get no down time, I fall behind on work, in school.

I don't have kids, and as much as I love my niece, there is a reason I don't have children right now.

I work from home and I am in school full time, I love when they visit but I want to enjoy my niece as my niece, not as her parent.

How do I tell her this I am not signing up to be a parent for 3 weeks. I am an aunt.

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