I’m 20(M) girlfriend is 19(F) for (3 years now )

Just got off an hour call getting ripped apart for the following 2 reasons

1) lack of communication. I didn’t text her I was going over a friends house tonight

2) work. I work with 50% girls 50% guys and one of those girls gave me a ride home today.

I repeatedly apologized right away and all she said was “I want to believe that you mean that but I just feel like you’re saying what I want you to say”

I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I don’t drink and go out at all. I spend pretty much all my free time with her I call her I text her. I also have 0 friends that are girls let alone talk to one like once a month.

I’m also never on her about anything legit anything. She gets hit on all time talks about guys she hangs with ( at work ) and I don’t give af.

I never get on her about anything. The only time we ever argue is when she brings up bs like this and even when I apologize and keep my mouth shut she says shit like it’s not genuine and then we actually argue.

I just don’t get what I’m doing wrong.

Edit: also always compares me to friends boyfriend. Like oh he does this for her ect

TLDR: My girlfriend gets on me about everything ( the smallest stupidest things )and I get on her about nothing. Any advice or what I’m doing wrong

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