Am I a horrible person for thinking this?
This is the first time I am posting on the internet… but I feel as though I have no other outlet. My husband( 27 M) and I (25 F), now recently married, have been together for about 3 years. He’s a good man, very well-tempered, sweet, funny and out-going, but… he has the capacity to be extremely selfish and unaware of the struggles of those around him. In the 3 years we’ve been together, we have never had sexual intercourse. He unfortunately was not circumsized as a child and it has left him with a bad case phimosis and hypersensitivity that completely preclude us from having sex. For the first year of us dating, he completely withheld this information from me, and it had a somewhat negative impact on my self-image and belief that I am an attractive woman, that he finds me attractive atleast. Eventually though, there was no more hiding it and he finally explained the situation to me. He was mortified and I genuinely sympathized with how much he has been struggling with this… it actually broke my heart to feel like he has had to keep this in for so long and that I was the only person he finally told this to. When he told me, I researched and made suggestions of how this issue can be resolved with medical intervention and he seemed to be onboard. However, for an entire one more year, he did nothing about the situation and it felt as thought he had no desire whatsoever to rectify the issue… This is somewhat embarrassing, but we only pleasure each other ( mostly him) by dry humping with undergarments on. It always leaves me feeling extremely awkward and unfulfilled, but I believe my willingness to cater to him in this way is what allowed this issue to persist for so long. I am a healthy young woman who had only had one other sexual partner in her life, and so, being in this situation… makes me feel like a normal sex life will never be in the cards for me, perhaps even having young children. Over time, i feel I have built up some resentment towards my husband because I’ve expressed how I feel many times and he doesn’t seem to feel any pressure to work on resolving this.. or atleast focusing more on my pleasure in other ways until the physical issue is resolved.. am I a horrible person for thinking this?

TL; DR, what would you do?

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