Whenever my boyfriend and I cuddle, he never fails to grab my hand and kiss it all over (like quick pecks) and will then slightly bite the side of one of the fingers. I get he might be just affectionate, but he never fails to do this everytime – any particular reason behind it?

Also he called my little pouch on my stomach (basically the stomach roll) squishy and when I said I hated it, he said he loves it and loves squishing it. He even said it’s like a stress relief for him. When we’re cuddling, he likes to squeeze it even though I move his hand away.

I just don’t know what to think of these two gestures. Thanks!

  1. Well this might be a stretch… but playing with your hand and stomach might mean he is ready to be a daddy😳

  2. It means he’s affectionate for you? Honestly I’ve (M22) always been single. I’m into an average build generally but a little bit of belly is cute.

    Be happy. 🙂

  3. I can’t speak to the hand but I can to the stomach.

    A girl with a little bit of fat in the right place can be a big turn on for a guy, it reminds us why we are with you and for me, it’s usually something I do with women I feel close to or comfortable with, of course in a dating context. I’ve done this with one or two exes and after I reassured them I got enjoyment out of it and not to take the gesture negatively, they came around to it.

    It’s natural to feel uncomfortable by this but it may not necessarily be an insult or something to be taken negatively.

    Hope this helps.

    If you are curious about his preference for this, probe him a bit further for specifics.

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