I (22F) and my bf (24M) have been together a little over a year. We’re both in college and we recently joined a student org, I’ve been really alert about this girl, I have never been the jealous type but I have a gut feeling about her. Fast forward to last month, we went to a party with the people of this organization and this girl gives him a big hug (because supposedly they have not seen each other in a long time). My boyfriend was aware that I didn’t really like this girl but I was also not going to be the type to tell him to block her, just as long as he respected our relationship we’d be good, but that hug has been imprinted in my brain because he’s not really the hug type, he said he just “matched her vibe”.. if that wasn’t enough, she did not say hi to me (even tho she knows me), all throughout the night I saw her looking at him from the distance, and at one point during the night she tried to pull him to dance (twerking kinda songs), he said no, but that entire night is making me a little insecure (for context both of them were drunk, I was sober because I was driving). I was glad to see my bf say no, but I feel so disrespected that she did that in front of me, that just makes me think, what will she do when I’m not there? Am I crazy for feeling jealous/insecure or is it justified?

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