I’ve been dating my boyfriend for approx. 8 months now and we’ve had lots of issues and I’m trying to see if the relationship is worth saving at this point because he is a good guy. ONE of the issues is that we only see each other twice a week normally and each time it’s for like a couple hours. 9pm-11pm or 8pm-11pm (some variation of that). We live 5 minutes from each other and both of us work hybrid jobs so normally we work from home. I’ve already voiced that I like spending more time with my partner and we broke up for 24 hours because my needs weren’t being met but he asked for me back and said he would try to love me how I need. I gave him the chance but the amount of time we see each other remains the same. Once in a blue moon we’ll have a sleepover but he’ll kinda insinuate for me to leave in the morning (not in a rude way but just gets us and says he has to start his day). We haven’t even spent an entire day together yet. I don’t know if it’s even worth it or if I’m asking for too much?

Pls help! Thanks!

TD;LR My (27M) BF only sees me (24F) twice a week for 2 hours max. Would this be enough for you?

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