So I have a family, and am very busy with a side hustle and in general work very hard. I typically plan darn near everything out in my life because I need to.

So here in lies two problems I have with people. I seem to have one type that will make plans and 99 percent of the time will flake out last minute, or last minute push it a day or so. The other type will message me on say Saturday morning to hand out in the afternoon. IE no notice at all, or genuine disregard for planning anything.

Setting people straight onto what I require hasn’t worked for me in the past.perhaps I’m not good at relaying my needs… I honestly find both these people incredibly rude, as I always 100% of the time follow through on what I say.

Any tips on how I should handle these situations?

1 comment
  1. I can’t stand flaky garbage. Yeah last minute plans can sometimes be jarring but spontaneous adventures are really fun, some of the best memories of my life have been those. But ofc that requires actually following through.

    My solution to dealing with flaky people is to just assume that they are completely talking out of their bootyhole. “Wow that sounds really exciting! I know it won’t happen in 69420 trillion eons but that sure does sound pretty nice in word form! Yea” and then move on with my day with the assumption that literally nothing will happen. And when it does, congratulations I was f**cking right and I didn’t get screwed over, baited and switched into moving my day around for it. Omegalul get owned thanks for having exactly zero impact on my day.

    And then if they do follow through it’s like a pleasant surprise

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