So I (M20) confessed my feelings for my crush (F20) a couple of weeks ago and she said she wanted to go out and liked me back. But it's a bit of a weird scenario as I have been staying at her place as I have a few weeks in between housing contracts. We are also on the same sports squad, so go to training together.

I really like her but it just feels a bit awkward becuase there isn't really that conversational spark. I think this isnt helped by the fact we see each other like 4-5 times a day, so can't have too much of a catch-up chat. We've also known each other for roughly 9 months now, so cant really default to those "what do you do" chats.

The issue is I'm not the best socially. I overthink everything, which has hindered me for the past decade. I've never been in a relationship, I had never told anyone I liked them before this, so I'm really not sure how best to approach things.

I really like this girl, and it's actually making me feel sad throughout the day that I might be messing things up when she has said she likes me too.

But yeah we've been on one date and I think it went quite well, but I just don't really know what to do without thinking that I might be doing the wrong thing/being too forward/making her uncomfortable and I don't know how much she wants to be with me.

Our sports squad are travelling this weekend for a competition so I want to try and get some alone time, maybe go on a walk or something and possibly have an honest chat about where she see's this going. In a couple of weeks she'll go on holiday and I might not see her for a month and a half, so I kind of want to solidify where we stand so I can have some clarity in my mind. I'll also move out in around a week and a half, and want to make the most of being able to spend time together.

If anyone has any advice on how to approach this I would really appriciate it.

TLDR: I'm new to relationships and don't really know the steps to take, which isnt helped by me overthinking and not having a conversational spark

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