Do men really slip away after you rejected them when they confess their feelings? He's avoiding me, stops messaging me and doesn't bother or engage with me like usual. He talks to my friends except me.

For context, I knew he like me when I started to notice how he treats me differently. But he would always say, I should find him a girl.

He confessed that he liked me and I rejected in the most subtle way. I jokingly said that we might not be able to understand each other and so I would just find him another girl. He said he knew he didn't stand a chance but still wants me to know about his feelings. To be honest, I love how he cares about me. If you ask me if I like him, I would say he is not the man that I was looking for. I think he could be more mature, a man with substance.

Should I reach out to him about the matter or just let him be? It was too awkward because we see each other almost everyday. Also, he's leaving in about 3-4 months and I don't want him to leave that we are in bad terms. I would appreciate your thoughts!

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