My husband (m26) and I (f23) had a slight disagreement and I got up and disengaged because our daughter (2 years old) was present. As I walked away he said to our daughter “your mom sucks” and it really triggered me because of my own childhood. And I asked him did you really just say that to our daughter? And he said yea because you do. And I just shut off and started putting my clothes on to go to get our grocery order. I said bye I’m going to get our groceries I’ll be back soon. (I really just needed a moment alone so I didn’t explode in front of our daughter and our order happened to be ready) and as I closed the door I heard “b * tch” while he has our daughter in his arms. I don’t even know what to do or say. I’m honestly heart broken that he would do that and bring our child into a fight when I so hard try to keep her away from it.

Husband and I got in fight so he told toddler that her mom sucks and called me a b word. I’m blindsided and don’t know what to do.

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