When you read the title, you might think “use your brain” let me give you the context so you understand.

So I heard of one family experience where one family member did something horrid and the grandmother said “I never want to see you again”. So that family member never came back to the family again. Later the grandmother was very sick and died. They find that one family member that was never allowed back and they yell at him for not coming to see his grandmother while she was dying.

So that confuses me, why would they want him to come? Did the grandma change her mind and want him to come? He was instructed to never come back and he followed the instructions.

I’m trying to understand when it’s acceptable to call contact someone when you’re under no ontact with them or if they are angry with you. Also, if someone is mad at you- doesn’t that mean they don’t want to hear from you ever?

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