what if Texas left the us and became it’s own country Slightly simlair to Brexit?

  1. I think the Californians would have a whole “I told you so” attitude

  2. First off, that’s illegal. Second off, the U.S. government would never allow that and would fight much harder than anything TX could do to get back full control. It wouldn’t happen.

  3. Could def support themselves but having a foreign country right there would be extremely weird

  4. I love my home State, but come on. They can’t even handle their own grid system. How the fuck are they gonna run a full fledged country?

  5. Setting aside the reality that it’s laughably implausible from a military standpoint, Texas would have a better shot than many states:

    – We have a fuckton of natural resources: petroleum of course, but also timber.

    – We have robust and diverse agriculture, from citrus groves in the Rio Grande Valley to corn and wheat up north, plus a large beef industry and robust fisheries in the Gulf.

    – We have 2 world-class university systems and NASA.

    – We have a well-developed and mature financial sector.

    – We are a major hub of tech talent.

    – We have major logistics hubs for sea, rail, and trucking.

    In the incredibly unrealistic scenario that we successfully seceded from the US, we would realistically have a free trade agreement within hours a Schengen-like arrangement within days. Life would continue uninterrupted for the most part, in the short term.

    Longer-term, our politics would get weird. The Republican party would certainly waste no time enshrining their minority-rule in a new state constitution. Ken Paxton would declare himself God-Emperor after dropping the corruption charges against himself. Dan Patrick will disappear under mysterious circumstances and Greg Abbott will just be wheeled into a dark room, forgotten, and not fed.

    There will be a brain drain, of course, as large chunks of the academic community and STEM workers emigrate to the US, but nothing as pronounced at what happened in 1930s Germany. And it won’t matter as much, since we won’t be at war trying to develop superweapons.

  6. It is illegal to secede from the union. It would involve civil war.

    The only thing Texas can do is divide their state into five smaller states WITHOUT federal approval, it is because they had an agreement when they joined the union as an independent country.

  7. Texas breaks up to even smaller states amidst nationalist fervor. Mexico starts annexing land north of the Rio Grande. Texans lose out on the United States’ trade network. They have resources but no political capital. They are in a perpetual state of violent conflict. Texas has become Africa

  8. If it somehow managed to be done successfully, people would gradually realize how dependent on federal aid Texas really is. Not to mention the mass exodus of people and companies who see the writing on the wall.

    Brexit was an unparalleled failure that set the UK back years if not decades economically. I don’t know why people keep using it as a template.

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