What are some types of people you have no respect for?

  1. People who can Control the problems of their lifestyle, but give reasons on why they can’t.

  2. People with no sense of humour, especially those who can’t laugh at themselves

  3. People who brag about cheating on their spouse… like, cheating itself is bad enough but why the hell are you telling me about it?

  4. People who have absolutely no education or life experience but argue the toss about everything and refuse to be wrong.

  5. social program/welfare recipients who keep having kid after kid they know they cant afford and still ask to borrow money *all the time* ie my cousin.

  6. People who cause drama, overly aggressive people, people who make their ideology into their entire personality, very clearly untrustworthy people who try to ingratiate themselves to you but are completely transparent.

  7. People who stick to very poorly reasoned arguments and conclusions after they’ve been clearly shown why their argument and conclusion are fatally flawed.

  8. Those who have no respect for themselves and/or others.

    Give respect, you get respect. And just as you oughta “love” yourself before you expect others to, the same goes with respect. Even if, with both, there’ll be those who do so without having to yourself. Still.

  9. Assholes and bullies in general. This can be as “trivial” as people who treat service providers like a lower form of life and can take many other forms. Employ imagination.

    People who live on handouts when they’re perfectly capable of working for a living. I get that there should be a safety net and don’t have a problem with that, or people who can’t work being on disability. But there are way too many able-bodied, sound-minded people feeding at that public trough…and it’s not Government funded because there is no such thing. It’s TAXPAYER funded.

    Career politicians. Those two words should never appear in the same sentence. I don’t care how good a job they’re doing if they’ve been in office for longer than 10 years, it’s time for a change.

  10. People who take any comment, opinion or criticism as a personal attack and lash out . What ever happened to back and forth conversation and healthy polite debate?

  11. People who don’t know how to show gratitude. Not to me, or anything like that, but in general. Everyone has shit in their life… And from what I’ve seen so far, the people with the least shit can sometimes find the most to complain about.

  12. People who think having conversations with kindergarteners about Anything sexual is OK. It’s not. It’s grooming. It’s not controversial, it’s criminal.

  13. People who cheat and generally step on others as much as necessary to get ahead

  14. Parents that smoke around their children.

    If adults want to smoke, that’s fine. What do I care? I have a problem with these people smoking around their offspring. If I see that, I can gauge their priorities.

    They’d rather subject their child to harmful effects of cigarette smoke. That says a lot about them and none of it is good.

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