We have been on and off together for a little over 1 year. While we were not on good terms last month and not seeing each other, I was staying loyal to him hoping we would patch things up but he was off going on dates (I learned this later on when I asked my friends to keep tabs on him). I was being told these women were “just friends” and “don’t worry even if we are fighting I wouldn’t hurt you”

I eventually caught wind of who the girl was. I felt there was no way she couldn’t have known he was in a serious relationship because he still had pictures of us together in his Instagram so I confronted her. She put on this aloof innocent act asking who am I and that she didn’t want problems and it upset me because I told him to show me messages between them when we got back together and she was full on throwing herself at him. I got into an altercation with her and she pretended to be all innocent and over exaggerated a silly cat fight and threatened to press charges.

My bf is now getting angry with me that I start problems when he cheated on me!? How do I get him to understand my point of view??

TLDR: a girl came in between my boyfriend and I and when I handled her he got mad at me when I need him to realize if he didn’t cheat on me this would have never happened. I love him but he doesn’t understand me and I need advice on how to go about this.

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