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  1. Once again, it’s time to sort books. While my husband is aggressively hoarding his, I prefer to rehome books that I will probably not read again (then again, rehoming isn’t always very easy, especially for English books). In the end, books are made for reading, not for decoration.

    The whole thing also makes me a bit nostalgic for the times when accessing books (especially English and Turkish ones) wasn’t so easy. When I was a high school kid on a budget, there were two bookstores where I lived that sold the English fantasy books that I loved to read at that time. The selection was limited, and books were imported and expensive, but I would save at all costs and buy as many as I could. It became a lot easier when I started university, since ours had a massive library.

    What do you do with the books you don’t want to have anymore?

  2. Kuching, Malaysian Borneo.Quite sunny,warm..28° at 5pm.

    We are going to have a few days of good local food and ‘cultural’ stuff, before heading out for some serious jungle trekking next week.

    It’s a city I already know quite well and like very much, though it has certainly expanded since I was last here…

  3. Earlier this week I was experimenting with something, I have [this 12-tone row](https://imgur.com/a/P7bu8d6) I put together a million years ago that I use a lot to generate material. In 12-tone serial music the idea is you must use every note once (assuming octave equivalence) before you can repeat. The original idea was complete atonality where every note is each other’s equal, no note is more “home” than the others.

    This time I put the series through [a patch](https://imgur.com/a/W5uR86N) I made which allowed me to increase its sample rate from 12 to 100, increase it’s scale on the y-axis by four octaves, and finally approximate the results to the nearest quarter-tone instead of the usual semi-tone. This left me with a 100 notes long series, a sort of ”zoomed in” version of the original 12 note long series, and I quite liked the sound of it. So I composed [this short piece](https://voca.ro/18CmPFHN5YAw) based on it, loosely following the serialist rules.

    I quite like the end result, the sound of microtonality is not for everybody, but I find it nice. My idea was for there to be a sense of gravity of some sort, where it was easy for the music to fall down and getting back up was more difficult and unstable. Due to the nature of the series the ending ended up being very uncertain, as if asking the question “will it fall again”, but I think it kinda ended up working.

  4. I have a very important question! Do you grow watermelons where you live?

    Watermelon is such a super Turkish staple for summer. The earliest crop is available in the south, then slowly west, middle, Thrace, so we have a nice long season (regional is best, of course). I know that it’s widely eaten in Balkans, also Hungary, but the ones you get in Germany are always imported. I wonder where the watermelon border is.

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