So I (28f) last really made friends in Uni. I still have these friends but now we all live several hours apart (closest is 5hours, farthest is 22 hours away from me) so we don’t see each other that often. We keep in touch via text, Snapchat, social media, etc.

However, this has left me with no one back home. I didn’t have a great HS experience so I don’t actually have any “friends” from there. I’m back where I grew up so I of course have my parents and grandparents and their friends to spend time with but no one of my “own” so to speak. I’m only “friends” with them because of those family members, not myself.

I have my SO who is very introverted and independent. I love them dearly and they do their best but I need someone else to help fill those gaps that my SO just will never be able to fill, though that hasn’t stopped them from trying in the meantime to help me. 🙂

I have social anxiety. I always have but over recent years it’s become a lot more severe. I’m in therapy and have been working on things so I can go more places and enjoy myself independently. I just went to a museum by myself the other day actually!

But this makes it extra hard to make friends. I seen past advice here saying to go places regularly and get to know the others that go there but I just can’t strike up conversations with people like that due to my anxiety. I do basically enough to get through the interaction that’s needed and that’s it. Even when I manage to strike something up, it’s never been enough to go beyond my initial comment.

Any help, tips or tricks for someone who deals with social anxiety to make friends as an adult?

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