Back story – last year I was “dating” a man for 4 months. When he had some weird meltdown and we took a break for a month. Every time we saw each other that month it’d end with me in tears because he wouldnt explain anything and him pissed bc I was pushing for answers. I finally called it quits and he showed up the bar on both of my birthday outings with a new girl immediately.
Part of the issue with our break up was that he then insisted we were never even dating and I wasn’t owed an actual breakup. Despite him telling everyone we were together.

Fast forward, we end up in communication again.
He has been making an effort to communicate to me even when he’s having bad days instead of just going ghost like last time.
Except it came out today, that while he refused to acknowledge me as his girlfriend last time , the girl immediately after me he said he “wasn’t serious “ with – got the actual conversation and title.
He also drunkenly told me Friday “well a guy just knows when he wants someone around”
Cue me being upset and him getting stressed bc I’m upset.

How big of a deal is this. The other thing is , I’m like same shit as last year , this man has counted down the months. He was like “this is the same position as 10 months ago”. And he also stated he wants to do things right this time. And when he first messaged me I was being real mean, and actually left the country for a week. So he waited a full week and messaged me again the day he knew I’d be back in the country.
Like I want to give him credit.
But also, as he said “a man just knows” ….
Why should I stick around another 4 months for a man who will just claim the girl he meets immediately after me.

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