For you experienced guys who have been in ideally a few good relationships where she was genuinely attracted to you (happy to submit to you/grateful and happy for your time and attention etc), I have a question. I recently got out of a messy situationship. Won't go into details but we aren't together anymore (deeply upsetting because we got a lot of things right, but this was the right move in the long term in my opinion).

If you have been masculine and attractive from the beginning with a woman, having the right frame, being the selective one, have most of your relationships that lasted past 6 months been positive like this? Or is that healthy masculine/feminine dynamic genuinely rare? I don't have enough data points for context, so that's why I ask you experienced gentlemen. Thank you for your wisdom.

Context and background – I feel like I've been operating from a place of scarcity for years which I'm sick of. I want to remind myself that there are plenty of other good women out there and the one I’m no longer with was not the only one. I do bring a lot of value to relationships apparently, more than I’ve given myself credit for (she told me this), so for me it's about switching over to and embodying an abundance mindset.

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