Me and my gf have been together for around 6 months. In this time I have learned that all of her guy friends are in love with her and she has told me that they are. She is incredibly attractive and always attracts attention wherever she goes. But it’s weird to me that she doesn’t have any male friends who aren’t in love with her. Also, her guy friends express their interest to her; one of which always texts her saying he loves her and asks her to hangout and confesses his love to her.
As I guy, I have some female friends too. But, none of them are in love with me or if they are they have been respectful enough not to say anything or act on it.
While she doesn’t reciprocate any feelings back to any of her guy friends, it just bothers me that she can’t have any male friends who aren’t in love with her or don’t want anything more from her than friendship.

Tldr: all of my gf’s guy friends are in love with her and it makes me uncomfortable.

  1. Are her girl friends in love with her too?
    She sounds like she’s addicted to attention, or even possibly has a problem setting boundaries. No one dating someone longer than 3 mos should still be receiving messages on the regular from anyone confessing unrequited love.

    That’s a red flag.

  2. I have a niece who has had almost all her guy friends confess to her at one point. Some of the dudes are kinda lonely/consider themselves not lucky with girls so being friends with my niece meant she “must like them”. When they confess, she shuts it down and tell them they’re just friends and she gets uncomfortable if they confess.

    So…what’s important is…is your gf shutting ANY of this down? Putting up any boundaries? Or is she’s like “we’re just friends! So what if he confesses and tells me he loves me. We’re just friends”. If she does that, that’s bullshit af and she likes other guys pinning for her and (possibly) wants you to be jealous. Fuck that shit.

  3. Kinda a red flag if she doesn’t talk to u about this (as she must be knowing/sensing that u feeling something about this ) or if she doesn’t warn those guy friends about her relationship with u. Possibly a big red flag bud

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