I’m a girl on here to ask solely men because I’ve literally never heard about this in my life😆

My boyfriend says that my skin is super soft and likes to touch and rub my arms and legs in a non sexual way, just because he likes it and says it’s soft. I’m not super curvy or have a ton of fat on me but apparently my skin is really soft. His brother said the same thing about his girlfriend that girls are just “soft” and “squishy” compared to guys and their own skin because of the hair. I guess because I’m a girl I don’t understand because it’s my own skin. I’ve literally never thought about this nor has it ever crossed my mind that there would be a such a big difference or would matter enough to bring it up or mention how soft my skin is pretty often.
Have any guys on here had experiences like that with your girlfriends or wives or heard of other guys saying the same thing? And… why? Like idk how to ask or explain just why 😆
Just wondering if this is a normal thing for most men or not

Edit: I think I messed up on the title and can’t change it💀 I just wanna know if most men think the same as my boyfriend or not and why. The rules said I could only ask certain questions so I had to word it weird. My bad abt the confusion 😭

  1. You gotta understand… Our skin literally has hair everywhere.. like deadass everywhere. So nothing is ever smooth and soft. So if you have smooth skin, shaved, natural doesn’t matter. Its like a heavenly feeling for us. I always tell my women this all the time but my favorite spot is literally between the legs and not even in a sexual manner its just comfy 😂

    Hope that helps

  2. > My boyfriend says I’m soft and squishy. What does that mean?

    It means he thinks you’re soft and squishy

  3. Men say weird things.. he could have just said you’re cute and be done with it lol..

  4. Im pretty sure hes just describing how you feel, which is soft and squishy. My ex was not fat, but also wasnt super skinny, and I would describe her just healthy, which is soft and squishy. Id take it as a compliment.

  5. My girlfriend also has incredibly soft skin on face, arms etc. it’s nice to just touch it occasionally when we’re cuddling etc.

    Now I sound like Lenny from Of Mice and Men…

  6. Yes, what you are describing is normal for guys. Women just feel soft and it’s nice to touch them. It’s hard to describe and that’s why the word “squishy” is used. But women feel softer than men and we like it and like to touch you because of it.

    It’s like how women like men when they have callouses, it’s the opposite, that’s hard skin.

  7. Woman skin is softer and smoother generally. They don’t even have to slather themselves in olive oil and mud. It just comes out that way, often. I would have used soft and silky instead of squishy though. Lol

  8. He says its soft and squishy…then that is what he means. He is calling you a cutie and he is complimenting you. Thats it. No need to overthink. He likes your skin type, he is complimenting your skin, he is complimenting your skin routine and your genes. End of story.

  9. He tries to establish emotional connection with you. You don’t have to disintegrate everything.

  10. Men aren’t the best at compliments! But this sounds like one. I once had a guy say why are you so muscular? Women are supposed to be soft- now that not a compliment. But I think he’s into you and has really odd word choice lol

  11. Guys are just generally speaking more rough due to natural muscles and we also don’t shave legs/arms/chest etc so natural hair. So smooth skin is nice to touch and lay our faces on as well as “squishy” meaning pillow like. It’s evolutionary. Woman evolved to be nurturing. We find it soothing and comforting. Just as a child would. You cuddle with men because you feel safe next to something (generally speaking) strong and safe. We cuddle woman to be comforted and nurtured.

  12. Guys have rough, dry, abrasive skin that’s covered in hair and calluses. Girls have much softer and smoother skin by comparison

    The squishy part is probably just a matter of having less toned muscle to make the area firm

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